Floating Point

Representing Fractions

We have a binary point that signifies the boundary between the integer and fractional portion. That is, the number to the right of the decimal point represents 2āˆ’12^{-1}, and the number to the right of the decimal number represents 212^1. 10.10102=21+2āˆ’1+2āˆ’310.1010_2 = 2^1 + 2^{-1} + 2^{-3} .

Addition with a fixed point:

Same as traditional addition.

Multiplication with a fixed point:

Same as traditional multiplication.

Floating Binary Points

If we could just move the binary point wherever we wanted, we could store much more varied information. To do this we use a variant on scientific notation. It has a few components: given a scientific number aƗ223a \times 2^{23}, aais the mantissa, 2323is the exponent, 22is the radix, or base. In IEEE 754 Floating Point Standard, we dedicate one bit to the sign, 8 bits for our exponent, 23 bits for our significand.

We can use bias notation to represent more numbers, where the bias is a number subtracted to get the real number.

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